Organize a local

Meet Commerce event

Being a Meet Commerce organizer opens new opportunities for you and your business: to connect with like-minded people, establish yourself as a thought leader in your local community and beyond, and generate new business opportunities.
Interested in organizing?

What you get with
Meet Commerce

As a global organizer, we understand that organizing a conference can be challenging, which is why we are here to offer guidance, assets, and share the experience we've gained through years of organizing commerce conferences.
And here is what you can expect from us:

Brand & other materials worth 30.000 €

Allowing you to save a significant
amount of money.

A 50-page guide

Containing 10 years of distilled experience
organizing e-commerce events.

20+ templates and outreach scripts

That you can use when organizing
your event.
Icon of two people representing a friendly atmosphere

Support from global org team

We will support you with advise and direction during your event planning.

Promotionals strategies examples

On how to bring your event into the spotlight and promote it.

+ Additional promotion

Through Meet Commerce’s
global communication channels.

Comprehensive toolkit you'll get

Organazing is always easier when you have the essential tools at your hand. And, we will share with you the toolset we use ourselves.
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Get the framework with a proven formula of how to organize the Meet Commerce event, including how to define the theme, tracks, approach to working with speakers, and sponsors.
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Brand name, style guide,
and visual assets

Save time and resource by leveraging the power of already existing brand. We will provide you with the rights to use our trademark, brand style guide, and templates of assets, such as logos, banners, and social media graphics, that you can edit and customize to your event's needs.
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Website Ready to Populate
with Content

Have the website up and running within a couple of days, not weeks. We will create a website setup for you using Webflow CMS, including provide providing you with a domain. Your part of the job will be to populate it with content and make it ''yours'.
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Checklists & org templates

To help you organize your event more efficiently, we will supply you with checklists, plans, marketing strategy files, and guides. This will ensure that you stay on track and don't miss any important details.
Budget template
Event plan template
Event team roles template
Sponsorship dossier and pricing model
Sponsor outreach email template
Marketing checklists & more
Legal document templates

Becoming an organizer
of Meet Commerce is for you if

You have time and resources to dedicate to organizing

You want advice from someone
who's been there

You want to tap into the global network of Meet Commerce

You do share the mission, vision, values of the Meet Commerce conference

You are as passionate about commerce and technology as we are

You want to create an impact in commerce and tech industry

Ready for the next step?

We are looking for sponsors, partners, and speaker.